Event Attendee FAQs | Ticketebo Support

Event Attendee FAQs

If you cannot find the answer to your question on this page, please don't hesitate to chat to us online using the live online chat function in the bottom right hand side of your screen now (during business hours), or alternatively please contact our Customer Service team on 1800 381 939 or email us on service@ticketebo.com.au.


Ticket Holder Questions...

Help - I can’t locate my tickets!
We know that the email gremlins are alive and kicking - but we are here to help!
If you can't locate your tickets, first check your junk and spam folders of the email address you used to buy the tickets [your tickets have been sent from the following email address: orders@ticketebo.com.au].
If you are still unable to find your tickets then please do the following:
a) Go to our Tickets Resend page and automatically have your ticket/s resent. All active tickets to upcoming events will be reissued using the same email address used to purchase your ticket/s originally.
b) If our Resend Tickets function doesn’t resolve the situation (for example you may have originally used an email you can't access) then please email: service@ticketebo.com.au advising the name used to purchase the ticket/s, and the event you are attending. Our customer service team will then forward your ticket/s within 1 business day. If the event you are attending is starting in less than a business day, then please call 1800 381 939 and our 7 Day Customer Service team will assist you in reissuing your tickets.

Do I need to print out my tickets?
Today, most event organisers do scan tickets on arrival, so the presentation of your tickets on arrival for scanning is important (whether scanning tickets from a phone or printed tickets). We ask that you refer to the Ticketing Notes section on the ticket stub to understand if the Event Organiser is happy to scan tickets presented on smartphones, or if they prefer tickets to be printed out ready for scanning (for example if the event has poor internet coverage, then the use of printed tickets will enable faster entry scanning procedures). In some cases, organisers may advise that the printing of tickets is not required as they will be using the supplied Guest List to check in guests on arrival.

Can I get a refund as I can’t go anymore?
a) When you purchased your tickets did you take out the option of Refund Protection cover? If you did, and the reason you cannot attend the event is covered by the policy (eg illness) - then you will be able to claim your refund through XCover. [Please note XCover will require appropriate documentation to support your refund request - eg a medical certificate if seeking a refund due to illness.] To request a refund, please contact XCover via their Refund Claim Form found at https://www.xcover.com/en/claim
b) If you didn’t take out Refund Protection (or the reason you are seeking a refund isn’t covered by your XCover policy) then unless stated otherwise in the Event Organisers published terms & conditions, all tickets are non-refundable - except in circumstances such as a cancelled event.
For more details in relation to refund terms please refer to the T&Cs of the website published at: www.ticketebo.com.au/terms-conditions-consumer.  If on revisiting these terms you wish to seek a refund then please email: refunds@ticketebo.com.au stating the reason/s for your refund request. Your email will be forwarded to the Event Organiser for their consideration. Please allow 5 working days for your request to be responded to.

I need to change dates. How can I get assistance to do this?
If you need to change dates, please hit reply on the ticket order confirmation email you have received. In your reply, please detail the original and new dates you would ideally like to attend the event, so our Customer Service team can liaise the Event Organiser on your behalf as to how a change of dates can be facilitated (if possible).

There was a problem with my order. How can I get further assistance?
If there is a problem with your order, please hit reply on the ticket order confirmation email you have received. In your reply please detail the problem so our Customer Service team can work through the issue for you and liaise with the Event Organiser on your behalf.

My tickets have the same name on them - is that ok?
Yes, all tickets purchased in a single transaction will display the original ticket purchasers name. It is expected that the ticket bearer will not necessarily be the same as the name on the ticket.


Troubleshooting issues while buying...

There was a problem with my transaction, and I am not sure if the sale went through or not.
The 1st thing to check is if your ticket has been delivered to your nominated email address. If it has then your order and payment has been processed. If no email is received then please complete the following steps: a) check your bank account to see if a payment has been processed, and b) call our Customer Service team on 1800 381 939 (or email support@ticketebo.com.au) so we can confirm if your order was processed or not.

The website wont accept my email address as being valid.
Most likely the problem here is that the device you are making your purchase on is predicting your email address for you, and when adding your email address it adds a space immediately after your email address. Deleting the extra space at the end of your email address will enable your sale to go through.