About The Resilience Project Teacher Seminar 2025 | SYDNEY
Join us for a fun and engaging professional learning experience designed for educators passionate about enhancing resilience and mental wellbeing — for themselves and their students.
Having partnered with 1,000+ schools nationwide, The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging, evidence-based programs that provide practical strategies to foster happiness and resilience.
During this NESA Accredited PD event, Hugh van Cuylenburg and Martin Heppell will share heartfelt stories of the incredible people who have inspired them—and The Resilience Project’s mission to bring joy to millions of Australians. You’ll gain access to the latest evidence-based learning activities, resources, and tips, along with practical strategies to support your own wellbeing and empower you to improve your students’ mental health.
This seminar is ideal for secondary, primary, and early childhood educators who are new to teaching The Resilience Project curriculum, looking for a refresher, or eager to strengthen resilience in their school community
*Completing The Resilience Project - Teacher Seminar will contribute 3 hours and 30 minutes of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Student/child Mental health addressing Standard Descriptor(s) 4.4.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.
- Seating is General Admission. As there is NO allocated seating on the day, please ensure to arrive together if you wish to sit together.
- Please bring note taking materials on the day.