About Languages Alive! | WEST CROYDON, TUE 9 JULY
Join us during the April school holidays at the School of Languages for Languages Alive!
Discover and learn about new languages and cultures with the School of Languages! Our school will be holding interactive cultural activities for students from Reception to Year 6 where they will explore new languages and cultures!
Exposure to learning languages is central to developing cultural understanding in young people. A key aim of all activities will be to provide participants language learning opportunities in a range of languages, including German, Hindi & Spanish.
Where: School of Languages: 255 Torrens Road, West Croydon SA 5008
When: Tuesday 9th July (Registration) 9:30am (Start) 9:45am – (Finish) 3:30pm
How much: $10 per student per day; School Card/Health Care Card Holders: FREE
For photos from previous events please go to: https://schooloflanguages.sa.edu.au/languages-alive/
Please note that all children will need to wear comfortable clothing; including a hat, and bring a bottled drink (water only), a snack and a packed lunch. There will be no catering facilities on site.
*Plus Booking Fee