About Smash Hits & Stereotypes
Only nights can kill the days.
Hearts break in a million ways.
It's Flora's 21st birthday, and she and her friends have rented a beach-house for the weekend. Smash Hits and Stereotypes is the story of this group and this weekend. Drugs, sex, cake... what could go wrong?
Gen is obsessed with Ray, a musician with his head in the clouds. Olivia and Bud just want the good times to keep rolling. Victor thinks he's Jean-Luc Goddard. Everyone is obsessed with Dawn. The Maid and The Caretaker have seen it all before. And, oh yeah, there's a Pervert on the loose.
Smash Hits and Stereotypes is about Spring, creation, and the entropic inevitability of cosmological formlessness. An aborted attempt at a slacker-musical, this chaos got away from writers Ludwig van Distortion and Coco Grainger, and became a high-spirited musical and philosophical drama.
^plus booking fee